Prevalence of Substance Use Among Young People in the US by Race/Ethnicity

" Annual marijuana use differs little by race/ethnicity and across the three groups varies between 7% and 8% in 8th grade, 13% and 19% in 10th grade, and 26% and 33% in 12th grade.

" Both 30-day use of any illicit drug and any illicit drug other than marijuana have similar prevalence levels across the three racial/ethnic groups. For Hispanic, Black/African American, and White 12th grade students the prevalence levels of past 30-day use of any illicit drug in 2022 were 18%, 22%, and 19%, respectively. For the outcomes of any illicit drug other than marijuana the corresponding prevalence levels were 3%, 3%, and 2%.

" White 12th grade students had the highest 12-month prevalence of salvia, Vicodin, Ritalin, crystal methamphetamine, misuse of over-the-counter cough/cold medicines, rohypnol, GHB, steroids, and androstenedione.

" Hispanic 12th grade students have the highest 12-month prevalence for a few drugs, but they are drugs with low prevalence and the difference is small in terms percentage points. For example, they have the highest level of dissolvable tobacco, by a difference of 0.7 percentage points (prevalence is 1.8% for Hispanics compared to 1.1% for Black/African American and White students). They also have the highest level of synthetic marijuana, by a difference of 0.2 percentage points (prevalence is 2.8% for Hispanic, 2.6% for Black/African American and 1.4% for White students).

" Black/African American 12th grade students had higher levels of alcohol use than Hispanics and Whites in 2022. The percentage of 12th grade students who had a drink of alcohol in the past 12 months was 57% for Black/African American teens, compared to 41% for Hispanics and 32% for Whites. Prevalence levels for getting drunk in the past 12 months for the three racial/ethnic groups were 37%, 21%, and 16%, respectively. Prevalence of 50using a flavored alcoholic beverage in the last 12 months was 42%, 28%, and 17%, respectively. Binge drinking in the last 30 days was also highest among Black/African American 12th graders, at 16%, compared to 8% for Hispanics and 5% for Whites.

" Black/African American 12th grade students had higher levels of nicotine use than their White and Hispanic peers. Prevalence of cigarette smoking in the past 30 days in 12th grade was 5% for Black/African American teens, compared to 1.9% for Hispanic and 1.2% for White teens. In recent years nicotine vaping has become the more common way for teens to use nicotine, and in 2022 the prevalence level among Black/African Americans was 25%, compared to 13% for Hispanic and 11% for White students.

" Black/African American 12th grade students had higher levels of use for any prescription drug, with past 12-month prevalence at 5%, compared to 4% for Hispanics and 3% for Whites. This difference is driven in part by amphetamines, for which past 12-month prevalence among Black/African American 12th graders is 3%, compared to 2% for Hispanic and 1% for Whites."


Miech, R. A., Johnston, L. D., Patrick, M.E., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E., (2023). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975–2022: Secondary school students. Monitoring the Future Monograph Series. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.
