Environment - Mycoherbicides - 8-25-11

(Scientific Study Required) "The 'Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006' (P.L. 109-469) requires that ONDCP [Office of National Drug Control Policy] submit to Congress a plan to conduct a scientific study of mycoherbicides as means of illicit drug crop elimination, including an evaluation of the likely environmental and human health impacts if these toxin-producing fungi were to be deployed. The legislation states explicitly that the study should be undertaken 'by an appropriate Government scientific research entity, including a complete and thorough scientific peer review'"


Bigwood, Jeremy; Hanson, Heather; Isacson, Adam; Piper, Bill; Stevenson, Trevor; Tree, Sanho; and Walsh, John, " Evaluating Mycoherbicides for Illicit Drug Crop Control: Rigorous Scientific Scrutiny is Crucial," (Washington, DC: February 27, 2007), p. 1.