Human Rights and International Drug Control Policies

"In recent years there has been growing attention to the human rights implications of the international narcotics control regime among non-governmental organisations6 and UN human rights monitors.7 [Special Rapporteurs] Human rights violations documented in the name of drug control in countries across the world include: the execution of hundreds of people annually for drug offences;8 the arbitrary detention of hundreds of thousands of people who use (or are accused of using) illicit drugs;9 the infliction of torture, or other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, in the name of ‘drug treatment’;10 the extrajudicial killings of people suspected of being drug users or drug traffickers;11 and the denial of potentially life saving health services for people who use drugs.12"


Lines, Rick, "‘Deliver us from evil’? – The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 50 years on," International Journal on Human Rights and Drug Policy (International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy, 2010) Vol. 1, p. 4.
