Diverting Offenders to Treatment in England

"In England the Department of Health, the Ministry of Justice, HM Court Services, the National Offender Management Service and the Home Office are working together to take forward government proposals to invest in liaison and diversion services at police stations and courts to ensure that an individual’s health needs or vulnerabilities are identified and assessed early and that they are linked to appropriate treatment services. Within this wider programme, an 'Alternatives' pilot has been set up to test alternatives to custody at the point of sentencing, i.e. court based activity. The project is restricted to those offenders who have mental health problems, including personality disorder, and/or a substance misuse problem and whose index offence and risk of reoffending is of sufficient seriousness to attract a short prison sentence.
"Four substance misuse pilots commenced in October 2011, focusing on offenders receiving DRRs [Drug Rehabilitation Requirements] as part of a community sentence. A further twelve pilots focusing on offenders receiving Mental Health Treatment Requirements began work in April 2012. The pilot sites bring together treatment (residential and community based provision), rehabilitation and restorative justice. The schemes seek to offer a balance between punitive elements and rehabilitation and include life skills training, gaining qualifications, peer support, and wraparound support services. The Department of Health is conducting an evaluation of the health and criminal justice benefits of these schemes."


UK Focal Point on Drugs, "United Kingdom Drug Situation 2012 Edition: Annual Report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)" (London, England: UK Government, Department of Health, October 31, 2012), pp. 151-152.
