Need for Performance Measure and Timelines for the Merida Initiative

"[The US Department of] State generally lacks outcome-based measures that define success in the short term and the long term, making it difficult to determine effectiveness and leaving unclear when the Initiative’s goals will be met. Establishing better performance measures could provide Congress and other stakeholders with valuable information on outcomes, enabling them to make more informed decisions on whether or not policies and approaches might need to be revised and in what ways. Regarding program implementation, there are no timelines for future deliveries of some equipment and training, particularly for a range of capacity building programs that will take on a large role going forward. Provision of time frames for the commencement and completion of programs would set expectations for stakeholders, including the Mexican government, which has expressed concerns about the pace of delivery."


Government Accountability Office, "The Merida Initiative: The United States Has Provided Counternarcotics and Anticrime Support but Needs Better Performance Measures" (Washington, DC: US Government Accountability Office, July 2010) GAO-10-837, p. 36.…
