Five Main Principles of Belgian Drug Policy

"The Federal Drug Policy Note of 2001 was based on the conclusions and recommendations of the Parliamentary workgroup Drugs of 1996-1997 and stated the five main principles of the Belgian drug policy: (i) a global and integrated approach; (ii) evaluation, epidemiology and scientific research; (iii) prevention for non-(problematic) users; (iv) treatment, risk-reduction and reintegration for problematic users and (v) repression for producers and traffickers. The action plans of 2001 an 2010 both start with an overview of the preceding measures on drug policy. In a second part, the current statement of affairs is assessed, resulting in specific action points for the future. As the Federal Drug Policy Note thoroughly describes its action points, the Communal Declaration mainly assesses to what extent they have been realised. Consequently, the latter stipulates the efforts which should be made in order to further execute the action points of 2001.
"The Federal Drug Policy Note of 2001 considers the use of psychoactive substances primarily as a problem of public health. Therefore, the action points concerning ‘Prevention’ mainly focus on the prevention of drug use as a health threat. The Communal Declaration of 2010 on the other hand, draws a clear distinction between the prevention aiming at public health and the prevention of drug-related public nuisance. On this matter, a few objectives are described, mostly in regard to the local authorities."


Deprez, Nathalie, et al., "2011 National Report (2010 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point" (Brussels, Belgium: OD Public Health and Surveillance, Scientific Institute of Public Health, October 2011), WIV-ISP/EPI REPORTS N° 002, p. 27.…
