Alcohol-Induced Mortality in the US, by Gender and Race/Ethnicity

"In 2021, a total of 54,258 people died of alcohol-induced causes in the United States (Tables 7, 9, and 24). This category includes deaths from dependent and nondependent use of alcohol, and deaths from accidental poisoning by alcohol. It excludes unintentional injuries, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to alcohol use, and deaths due to fetal alcohol syndrome. For a list of alcohol-induced causes, see Technical Notes.

"The age-adjusted death rate for alcohol-induced causes increased 9.9%, from 13.1 in 2020 to 14.4 in 2021 (Tables 6, 11, and 24). For males in 2021, the age-adjusted death rate for alcohol-induced causes was 2.5 times the rate for females. The rate increased 8.9% for males and 10.7% for females from 2020 to 2021 (Tables 11 and 24).

"Among race–ethnicity groups—Age-adjusted rates increased from 2020 to 2021 by 23.9% for the American Indian and Alaska Native population (30.6% for American Indian and Alaska Native males and 13.9% for American Indian and Alaska Native females), 15.5% for the Black population (10.7% for Black males and 21.8% for Black females), 7.9% for the Hispanic population (7.2% for Hispanic males), and 9.1% for the White population (7.9% for White males and 9.2% for White females) (Tables 11 and 24). The age-adjusted rate for alcohol-induced death did not change significantly from 2020 to 2021 for the Asian populations, Hispanic females, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander populations."


Murphy SL, Kochanek KD, Xu JQ, Arias E. Deaths: Final data for 2021. National Vital Statistics Reports; vol 73 no 8. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2024. DOI: 
