Prevalence of Ecstasy Use in Australia

"The opportunity to use ecstasy was less common than cannabis with 7.2% of Australians stating they had been offered or had the opportunity to use the drug in the last 12 months (Online Table 5.12). Ecstasy was the second most commonly used illicit drug in a person’s lifetime, with 2.1 million (10.9%) people aged 14 or older reporting having ever used the drug and 500,000 had done so in the past 12 months, representing 2.5% of the population (Online Table 5.4). In addition:
"• the majority of recent ecstasy users only took ecstasy once or twice a year (54%) (Online Table 5.11)
"• the median age of recent ecstasy users was 25 (Online Table 5.16) and most people tried ecstasy as adults as the average age of initiation was 18.2 among people aged 14–24 (Online Table 5.10)
"• most ecstasy users claimed that at least some of their friends also used the drug; three-quarters said that about half or fewer of their friends currently used and one-quarter said all or most (Online Table 5.14)."


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, "National Drug Strategy Household Survey detailed report 2013." Drug statistics series no. 28., Cat. no. PHE 183 (Canberra: AIHW, Nov. 2014), p. 59.……