Drug Rehabilitation Requirement, England and Wales

"The Drug Rehabilitation Requirement (DRR) within a community order or suspended sentence of imprisonment is an intensive vehicle for tackling the drug misuse and offending of many of the most serious and persistent drug misusing offenders in England and Wales (SQ31). DRRs involve treatment, regular testing and court reviews of progress and are subject to rigorous enforcement.
"There is no longer a DRR commencement target in the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) Performance Metrics but data are collected from probation trusts and published in Offender Management Caseload Statistics. The most recent published data shows that 16,071 DRRs were commenced in 2010, 11,996 as part of a community order and 4,075 as part of a suspended sentence order. This represents a decrease from 16,207 starts in 2009 and 17,457 in 2008. The reduction in DRR commencements was partly due to police initiatives which divert offenders from charge and a change in focus from commencement to completion targets (MOJ 2011b).
"The main performance indicator for DRRs in 2010/11 was the completion rate with the number of completions as a secondary indicator. Fifty-six per cent of DRRs were successfully completed in 2010/11 against a target of 49% with all regions reaching this target. There were 8,392 successful DRR completions which significantly exceeded the aggregated annual target332 of 6,837 (MOJ 2011b).
"The completion rate has doubled since 2003. This is encouraging because research into DTTOs, the predecessor of the DRR in England and Wales, suggests that offenders who complete orders have much lower reconviction rates (53%) than those who do not (91%), though it is not possible to attribute the difference entirely to the effect of the order (Hough et al. 2003)."


UK Focal Point on Drugs, "United Kingdom drug situation: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 2011" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, Nov. 2012), Table 9.1, pp. 147-148.
