Estimated Drug Control Spending in England, 2013-2014

"On 1st April 2013, local authorities became responsible for public health in England supported by a ring-fenced public health grant of £2.66 billion in 2013/14 and £2.79 billion in 2014/15. Historically, 34% of national spend on public health has been on substance misuse. Activity and performance on drug treatment influenced how much money local areas received in 2013-14 and will continue to be recognised in the target formula for the public health grants. This funding is no longer ring-fenced for the provision of drug treatment services (see section 5.2.2). In addition, there is no longer central funding for the routing of offenders into treatment, historically called the Drug Interventions Programme (DIP), which provided funding of £32 million for England and £5.1 million for Wales in 2012/13.24 Alongside other crime, community and drugs grants, funding ended in March 2013. The Community Safety Fund is providing £90 million to Police and Crime Commissioners in 2013/14 for them to decide what to fund at a local level.
"Previously, Focal Point estimates of drug-related expenditure have assumed that funding allocations equate to expenditure since these were primarily ring-fenced grants. With the removal of this ring-fence, collecting data on drug-related expenditure will require reports of actual expenditure. From 2013/14 onwards, local authorities will be required to report on spending from the Public Health Grant on an annual basis. There are categories for adult drugs, adult alcohol and young people’s drug and alcohol spending. Estimated expenditure on drug misuse services for adults by local authorities is £569.1m for 2013/14, with a further £55.0m projected to be spent on drug and alcohol services for young people (DCLG 2013).25 These two elements of planned expenditure account for almost one-quarter (23%) of projected public health expenditure by local authorities. There are no requirements to report centrally on other income streams such as the Community Safety Fund."


Reitox Focal Point at Public Health England, United Kingdom Drug Situation 2013 Edition. UK Focal Point on Drugs Annual Report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Oct. 31, 2013, p. 34.…
