HIV Transmission and People In Russia Who Inject Drugs, 2006

"The epidemic disproportionately affects IDUs who comprise 87% of the cumulative number of registered HIV cases, however, with the epidemic becoming more mature, the infection tendency away from IDUs to heterosexual is also increasing with 68% of newly registered cases by the end of 2004 corresponding to IDU and 30% to heterosexuals (In the previous year heterosexual transmission accounted for 23.4% of new infections). The interpretation of the tendency towards less new infections diagnosed is not an indication of a slowing of the epidemic but rather reflective of the changes in HIV testing policy, the smaller number of tests performed in population groups with high-risk behaviors and also a shortage of test kits."


United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime, "Illicit Drug Trends in the Russian Federation, 2005," Moscow, Russian Federation: UNODC Regional Office for Russia and Belarus, November 2006.
