Treatment Service Availability in Greece, 2011

"In 2011, a total of 92 treatment units offered drug treatment in Greece: 42 OST units (33 buprenorphine and 9 providing mainly methadone); 43 drug-free treatment programmes (11 inpatient/adults; 19 outpatient/adults, 12 outpatient/adolescents; and 1 detoxification unit) (Figure 5.1); and 7 drug-free treatment programmes for imprisoned and released drug users (see Chapter 9 for prison data).
"Alongside the treatment units, in 2011 there were 45 counselling centres in total: 31 counselling centres for adults and 10 for adolescents and young adults and 4 counselling centres for released drug users (see Chapter 9 for prison data).
"The main developments in the availability of treatment services in 2011 are the following6:
"• OKANA launched 22 new OST units within public general hospitals in Athens, Piraeus and Thessaloniki, while 5 OST units (2 in Athens, 2 in Piraeus and 1 in Thessaloniki) suspended operations. In specific, in August 2011, the number of OKANA OST Units was 25, and two months later it was doubled to 42. In August 2012, 52 units operated across the country, while it is estimated that 13 additional units will be ready to operate in next months (Micha 2012). Most of the units are hosted in hospitals and staffed by the existing ????? and/or hospital staff.
"• KETHEA launched a Treatment Programme for Women in Eleonas prison, Thebes, which became operational late in December 2010.
"• OKANA ATRAPOS (the detoxification unit for adolescents in Athens), which had been in the evaluation phase in 2010, suspended operations.
"• OKANA NAFTILOS (the treatment unit for adolescents in Thessaloniki) suspended operations.
"• KETHEA EXANTAS (counselling and early intervention centre) no longer offers treatment services."


University Mental Health Research Institute, "2012 National Report (2011 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Greece: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues" (Athens, Greece: UMHRI, 2012), pp. 59-61.……
