International - France - Data - 12-15-12

(Syringe Distribution in France 2008) "From the different information sources, we can estimate that approximately 14 million syringes were sold or distributed to drug users in France in 2008. Comparing this number to the number of IV drug users (81,000 recent IV users) produces a ratio of approximately 170 syringes per user per year (Costes et al. 2009). This figure, which only represents an order of magnitude, may indicate rather high accessibility to syringes in France for IV drug users. The pharmacies play a key role and are involved in over two-thirds of the sale or distribution of syringes. However, a reliable evaluation of requirements together with an analysis of geographical disparities (accessibility of syringes in rural areas in particular) has yet to be carried out.
"No estimate has been completed since 2008 when 13.8 M syringes were estimated to be distributed or sold. Some data are, however, available for 2010. Almost 2.4 M Stéribox2® kits (kits containing sterile injection equipment) were distributed in pharmacies in 2010, which corresponds to 4.7 M syringes (2 syringes per kit) based on InVS SIAMOIS data. The distribution of Stéribox2® in pharmacies has thus been stable since the early 2000s. Dispensing machines outside CAARUD distributed 1.1 M syringes in 2010 based on the data provided by the Safe Association – a figure that has increased compared to 2007."


l'Observatoire francais des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT), "2012 National Report (2011 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: France: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected issues (Saint-Denis, France: OFDT, 2012), p. 112.…
