Policy on Enforcement/Repression

"The action points on ‘Repression’ of the Federal Drug Policy Note 2001 are confirmed in the Communal Declaration of 2010 as well. The latter plans to enhance the repressive measures on the production and traffic of illegal drugs, as part of the control of the supply. In addition to the request for a cross-border approach for drug tourism in the 2001 policy note, an intensification of the cooperation and consultation with the neighbouring countries was promised in 2010. With regard to the drug users, imprisonment remains an ‘ultimum remedium’ and alternative measures for drug using delinquents are stimulated. The penitentiary drug policy, as described in the policy note of 2001, is not discussed as part of the action points of 2010."


Deprez, Nathalie, et al., "2011 National Report (2010 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point" (Brussels, Belgium: OD Public Health and Surveillance, Scientific Institute of Public Health, October 2011), WIV-ISP/EPI REPORTS N° 002, p. 28.
