Availability of Heroin-Assisted Treatment in the EU

"A number of European countries have remained at the forefront of innovation with regards to OST and drug dependence therapies. For those who cannot or do not wish to stop injecting, a small number of European countries prescribe injectable OST medicines (including the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) (Cook and Kanaef, 2008). The prescription of pharmaceutical heroin (diacetylmorphine) remains limited to a few European countries (Fischer et al., 2007; EMCDDA, 2009a, Table HSR-1). Despite positive findings from randomised controlled trials in several countries (indicating that diacetylmorphine is effective, safe, and cost-effective, and can reduce drug-related crime and improve patient health), only Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom include this intervention as part of the national response to drugs. Pilot programmes are currently underway in Belgium and Luxembourg (EMCDDA, 2009a, Table HSR-1)."


Catherine Cook, Jamie Bridge and Gerry V. Stimson, "The diffusion of harm reduction in Europe and beyond," in EMCDDA MONOGRAPHS No. 10: Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010), doi: 10.2810/29497, p. 49.
