Drug Control Spending Cuts in the EU Caused by Economic Downturn

"Many European countries continue to face the
consequences of the recent economic downturn. The extent of fiscal consolidation or austerity measures and their impact differs between European countries. Among the 18 countries with sufficient data to make a comparison, reductions were reported in health and public order and safety — the areas of government spending where most drug-related public expenditure originates.
"Overall, between 2009 and 2011, greater reductions in public expenditure were observed in the health sector. Cuts in funds available for drug-related programmes and services have also been reported by European countries, with drug prevention interventions and drug-related
research particularly affected. Several countries also report that attempts to ring-fence the financing of drug treatment have not always succeeded."


European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, "European Drug Report 2014: Trends and Developments" (Lisbon, Portugal: EMCDDA, 2014), p. 70.
