Estimated Number of Users of Psychoactive Substances in Mainland France among 11 to 75 year-olds

Estimated Number of Users of Psychoactive Substances in Mainland France among 11 to 75 year-olds
Illicit Substance Users (In Millions) Licit Substance Users (In Millions)
Cannabis Cocaine Ecstasy Heroin Alcohol Tobacco
Lifetime User 13.4 1.5 1.1 0.5 44.4 35.5
Past Year Use 3.8 0.4 0.15 ** 41.3 15.8
"Regular" Use* 1.2 ** ** ** 8.8 13.4
Daily Use 0.55 ** ** ** 5.0 13.4

*Regular use: consumption of alcohol at least three times per week, daily tobacco, and consumption of cannabis atleast 10 times per month or at least 120 times during the previous year.
*Not Available
"NB: the number of individuals aged from 11 to 75 in 2009 (date of updating the census) is around 49 million.
"A margin for error exists even if it seems reasonable in this framework data. For example, taking the confidence interval into account, 13.4 million who have used cannabis at least once of their life indicates that the number of lifetime users probably ranges from 13 to 14 million."
