Estimated number of adults on probation, in jail, in prison, or on parole and their percent of the adult population, by sex and race, 1990

Estimated number of adults on probation, in jail, in prison, or on parole and their percent of the adult population, by sex and race, 1990
Sex Race
Totala Male Female White Black Other
Total 4,349,817 3,747,949 601,868 2,666,484 1,633,570 49,763
Probation 2,670,234 2,189,592 480,642 1,815,759 827,773 26,702
Jail 403,019 365,821 37,198 205,540 189,419 8,060
Prison 745,157 703,642 41,515 368,853 366,617 9,687
Parole 531,407 488,894 42,513 276,332 249,761 5,314
U.S. adult resident
185,105,000 88,614,000 96,491,000 158,398,000 20,773,000 5,934,000
Percent under correctional
care or in custody
2.3% 4.2% 0.6% 1.7% 7.9% 0.8%

Note: Detail may not add to total because of rounding. In cases where sex or race was unknown or not reported, percentages were applied based on known cases.
a A small number of Individuals may have multiple correctional statuses; consequently, the total number of persons under
correctional supervision may be an overestimate. See technical note.
b Resident population 18 years or older on April 1. 1990.